Syntax remember


Do pro software developers memorize programming language syntax

  • DuckDuckGo is sometimes faster than a memory if you can provide a proper search phrase
  • Using lots of memory for language syntax leaves less space for important stuff in your brain
  • It is useful to have a card of paper with commonly used function names attached to your screen. It is faster than DuckDuckGo to read it, so you save 3-4 seconds at a time
  • Syntax you use often is syntax you will memorize often without direct effort
  • Syntax and languages today are changing so rapidly, what you know today wont be actual in 5 years
  • No one asks you about the syntax or function names. Only on “tech” interviews or if you help a junior. In first case you can memorize syntax just for sake, for the latter one, it is about learning junior how to find right syntax, how to use techniques, not to teach him he should memorize everything
  • You can acomplish a lots as a software developer even with a memory of a gold fish. Programming is about solutions not syntax.
  • Even if you memorize 100% of language syntax you use only 10% of it. And it is hard to know what is the 10% without experience. So its pointless to put a lots of effort into no fun ways of memorization.
  • If you can change memorizing into a fun activity than memorizing can add a little bit of a productivity to your work. Because good memory is faster than a piece of paper or DuckDuckGo.
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