Advance Java

What is Advance Java?
The dictionary meaning of advance is a forward movement or a development or improvement and the meaning of improve means thing that makes something better. All in all, we have to improve our basic knowledge to master in that particular field.

Java is divided into two parts i.e. Core Java (J2SE) and Advanced Java (JEE). The core Java part covers the fundamentals (data types, functions, operators, loops, thread, exception handling, etc.) of the Java programming language. It is used to develop general purpose applications. Whereas Advanced Java covers the standard concepts such as database connectivity, networking, Servlet, web-services, etc. In this section, we will discuss what is advance Java, its benefit, uses, topics of advance Java, and the difference between core Java and advance Java.

Advance Java
It is a part of Java programming language. It is an advanced technology or advance version of Java specially designed to develop web-based, network-centric or enterprise applications. It includes the concepts like Servlet, JSP, JDBC, RMI, Socket programming, etc. It is a specialization in specific domain.

Most of the applications developed using advance Java uses tow-tier architecture i.e. Client and Server. All the applications that runs on Server can be considered as advance Java applications.

Why advance Java?
It simplifies the complexity of a building n-tier application.
Standardizes and API between components and application sever container.
JEE application Server and Containers provides the framework services.
Benefits of Advance Java
The four major benefits of advance Java that are, network centric, process simplification, and futuristic imaging standard.

JEE (advance Java) provides libraries to understand the concept of Client-Server architecture for web- based applications.
We can also work with web and application servers such as Apache Tomcat and Glassfish Using these servers, we can understand the working of HTTP protocol. It cannot be done in core Java.
It is also important understand the advance Java if you are dealing with trading technologies like Hadoop, cloud-native and data science.
It provides a set of services, API and protocols, that provides the functionality which is necessary for developing multi-tiered application, web-based application.
There is a number of advance Java frameworks like, Spring, Hibernate, Struts, that enables us to develop secure transaction-based web applications such as banking application, inventory management application.
Difference between Core Java and Advance Java
Criteria Core Java Advance Java
Used for It is used to develop general purpose application. It is used to develop web-based applications.
Purpose It does not deal with database, socket programming, etc. It deals with socket programming, DOM, and networking applications.
Architecture It is a single tier architecture. It is a mute-tier architecture.
Edition It is a Java Standard Edition. It is a Java Enterprise Edition.
Package It provides java.lang.* package. It provides java.servlet.* package.
Advance Java Topics or Syllabus
1. Basics of a Web application

What is a web application?
What is a web client and web server?
How do client and server communicate?
HTTP protocol basics
HTML language basics
What is a TCP/IP port, URL?
Need for a Web Container
2. Web Container and Web Application Project Set up

To set up Tomcat Container on a machine
To set up a Servlets JSP project in Eclipse
To configure dependency of Servlet JSP APIs
Web application project structure
3. Servlets

What are Servlets?
What can they do? Why are they needed?
How do Servlets look in code?
GET/POST request; differences between the two
Servlet Lifecycle
Servlet Context and Servlet Config
Forwarding and Redirection of requests
4. Session Management

What is a session?
Why is it required?
How to get a session?
Session information passing between client and server
Session information passing mechanisms - Cookies, Rewriting
How to destroy a session
5. JSPs

Introduction to JSP and need for JSPs
Basic HTML tags
JSP Lifecycle
6. JSP Elements

Significance of above elements and fitment into the JSP Lifecycle
What are Directives in JSP?
Page Directive
Include Directives
Taglib Directive
7. JSP Tag library

JSP Standard Actions
Expression Language
JSTL basics and it's usage
Need for Custom Tag Library
Custom Tag Library implementation
Struts Framework (version 2.x)
1. Basics of MVC

What is MVC?
MVC Type1 and Type2 architecture
Why Struts framework?
Struts 1 overview
Struts 1 and Struts 2 comparison
2. Struts 2 Architecture

Architecture Diagram explanation of following components:
Components of Model, Views and Controller in Struts Framework
Model/Action classes
Value Stack
Introduction to configurations; framework and application architecture
Declarative and Annotations configuration approaches
3. Struts 2 set up and first Action class

Download JAR files
Struts 2 project build up and Configuration files
To build Action class
To intercept an HTTP request via Struts2 framework using Action class
Defining data and business logic in Action class
Preparing and Forwarding control to Views
4. Struts 2 Interceptors

What are Interceptors
Responsibilities of an Interceptor
Mechanism of Interceptor calling in Struts 2
Defining Interceptors
Defining Interceptor stacks
Defining Custom Interceptors
5. Struts 2 Tag Library

Introduction to tag library of Struts 2 and it's usage
6. Struts 2 Validations

Validations using Validateable interface
Workflow interceptor mechanism for validations
Validations using Validateable interface
Validation Framework introduction and architecture
Validating user input with above two mechanisms
7. Struts 2 Tiles Frameworks

Introduction to Tiles in a page
Struts2 Tiles framework introduction
Defining tiles.xml file
Configuring pages for tiles
A complete Tiles example with Struts2
Hibernate Framework (version 3.x)
1. Introduction

What is ORM principle?
Why ORM?
ORM implementations
2. Hibernate Architecture

Introduction to Hibernate
Hibernate Architecture
What are Persistent classes?
3. Hibernate CRUD

Setting up Hibernate project
Configuring all JARs and XML files
Setting up connection to DB using Hibernate
Performing basic CRUD operations using Hibernate API
Object Identity; Generator type classes
Using SQL with Hibernate
Using HQL
Using Criteria queries
4. Mapping Collections and Associations

To define sets, mas, lists in Hibernate
Association Mappings:
One to one
One to many
Many to one
Many to many
Hibernate Caching
What is caching?
What are the types of caching in Hibernate?
Explanation of various caching mechanisms in Hibernate
5. Using Hibernate Annotations

Sample example of using Hibernate Annotations
Spring Framework (version 3.x)
1. Introduction to spring

What is Spring?
Spring Architecture explanation and all it's components
2. Introduction to all modules of Spring

Spring Bean Factory
Spring Application Context
Spring DI
Spring Integration; Spring messaging, Spring JMS
Spring MVC
Spring DAO
3. Setting up spring

Setting up of Spring framework
Download JARs
Configure XML files
4. Dependency Injection

What is Dependency Injection?
How is it implemented using Spring Framework?
Bean Wiring mechanisms in Spring
5. Spring AOP

What is Spring AOP?
Implementation of Spring AOP
Spring Boot Framework (Version 2.x)
1. Introduction

Spring Boot Introduction
Spring Boot Version
Spring vs Spring Boot vs Spring MVC
Spring Boot Architecture
2. Creating Project

Spring Initializr
Download & Install STS IDE
Spring Boot Example
Spring Boot CLI
Spring Boot Example-STS
3. Project Components

Dependency Management
Application Properties
Starter Parent
Starter Web
Starter Data JPA
Starter Actuator
Starter Test
Multi Module Project
4. Tool Suite

Hello World Example
Project Deployment Using Tomcat
5. Spring Boot AOP

What is AOP?
AOP Before Advice
AOP After Advice
AOP Around Advice
After Returning Advice
After Throwing Advice
6. Spring Boot Database

H2 Database
Crud Operations
7. Spring Boot View

Thymeleaf View
8. Spring Boot Caching

What is Caching?
Cache Provider
9. Spring Boot Misc

Run Spring Boot Application
Changing Port
Spring Boot Rest Example
Web Services: REST and SOAP

Logging Framework: Splunk, Log4J, SLF4j
Version-control system + repository hosting service: Git + Github
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